While Certified Home Inspectors have a broad understanding of most parts of your home, they are not licensed HVAC technicians and do not have the advanced experience and knowledge that may help spot potential issues before you buy a new home. Your HVAC equipment is one of the largest investments you make, so it just makes sense to have it thoroughly inspected by a licensed HVAC technician.
1. Check the furnace

Your technician should be able to tell you the condition of the furnace, and let you know about any potential repairs or costs you could face in the near future.
With your realtor’s help, you may even be able to subtract all or part of the cost of the furnace from the seller’s asking price. If the existing furnace does pass inspection, have it rechecked annually. Be sure to keep your family safe by installing carbon monoxide detectors in your home.
2. Check the air conditioners
If your older home does not have an air conditioning system, you may be wondering how much it will cost to install a new central air conditioner. We can provide you with a free quote including the cost of installation, labor and equipment for central or Minisplit systems.

Even if the home does have an existing central air conditioning system, you may still consider replacing it. Older air conditioners are usually less efficient than newer models, and replacing old systems could result in significant energy savings over the life of the system.
3. Check the ductwork
Ductwork is one of the most common issues with HVAC systems. Most of the time the ductwork is undersized, reducing the efficiency of the equipment, and reducing it's lifespan.

This can also cause spotty comfort where one area may be cooler or hotter than the rest of the house.
If the home does not have ductwork, you may also opt for a ductless system. As the name suggests, these systems do not require ducts, but rather run small refrigerant and drainage lines from an outdoor unit to one or more indoor units. You can have up to 5 separate indoor units on one outdoor, each with their own temperature control so you can say goodbye to those hot or cold spots, while saving money only tempering the rooms in use!
If you are looking for assistance with your home buying process, give us a call to see how we can help! 667-231-9462